• Faculty
  • Danny Kimball
  • Danny Kimball

    Associate ProfessorCommunications and Media Studies

    Danny Kimball is Associate Professor of Communication and Media Studies in the Center for Art and Media at Goucher College. He completed his doctorate in Communication Arts, with a concentration in Media and Cultural Studies, in 2014 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He teaches courses at Goucher that critically analyze the cultures, technologies, and politics of media, with special focus on the internet, digital media, and sustainable media. His research examines the cultural politics of media policy, centered on the intersection of communications regulation, network infrastructures, and digital media. He is currently writing a book on the “net neutrality” debates in the United States and their cultural and political implications. He has published research in the International Journal of Communication, Media Industries Journal, Oxford University Press, and elsewhere, as well as presenting regularly at national and international academic conferences. Prior to joining the faculty in his current position in 2015, he served for a year as Visiting Assistant Professor at Goucher and taught for seven years at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Before graduate school, he worked for a social justice law firm and did community organizing work in Iowa City. His undergraduate education at the University of Iowa concentrated in English and an individualized interdisciplinary liberal arts program.

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    Research, Scholarship, Creative Work in Progress

    Book manuscript, tentatively titled Net Neutrality and the Battle for the Internet


    “Wonkish Populism in Media Advocacy and Net Neutrality Policy Making.” International Journal of Communication 10 (2016): 5949-5968. http://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/viewFile/4678/1869.

    “Sponsored Data and Net Neutrality: Exemption and Discrimination in the Mobile Broadband Industry.” Media Industries 2.1 (2015): http://www.mediaindustriesjournal.org/index.php/mij/article/view/90/169.

    “Net Neutrality is a Struggle over Control of Communications Infrastructure.” Media Industries Project Research (2014): http://www.carseywolf.ucsb.edu/mip/article/net-neutrality-struggle-over-control-communications-infrastructure.

    “New Media Policy.” Oxford Bibliographies in Cinema & Media Studies. Ed. Krin Gabbard. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199791286/obo-9780199791286-0235.xml.

    “What We Talk About When We Talk About Net Neutrality: A Historical Genealogy of the Discourse of ‘Net Neutrality.’” Regulating the Web: Net Neutrality and the Fate of the Open Internet. Ed. Zack Stiegler. 33-49. Lanham, MD: Lexington/Rowman & Littlefield, 2012.

    Conference Papers & Panel Participation

    “The Fight Over Public Access Cable Television and the Legal Shaping of Closed or Open Communications Networks in FCC v. Midwest Video II (1979).” Society for Cinema & Media Studies conference (SCMS), Chicago, 2017.

    “Net Neutrality and Wonkish Populism in Media Policymaking Discourse.” SCMS, Atlanta, 2016.

    “Net Neutrality and ‘Spreadability:’ Struggles Between Distribution and Circulation in Media Industries and Infrastructures.” SCMS, Montreal, 2015.

    “Net Neutrality and 21st Century Media” public lecture and symposium. University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014.

    “Policy Matters: Exploring Opportunities for Media Policy Scholars in Public Debates” roundtable discussion. Flow: A Critical Forum on Media Culture, Austin, 2014.

    “Classifying Broadband, Shaping the Internet: Information, Telecommunications, and the Regulation of Internet Infrastructure.” International Communication Association conference (ICA) Seattle, 2014.

    “Net Neutrality and the Data-Capped Internet.” SCMS, Seattle, 2014.

    “The Politics of Infrastructure” roundtable discussion. Dirty Sexy Policy conference, Santa Barbara, 2014.

    “The Discourse of ‘Internet Freedom:’ Definitions and Principles for Transnational Media Reform.” Strategies for Media Reform: An International Workshop, London, 2013.

    “The Long History of Participatory Video: YouTube, Public Access Television, and New Media History.” ICA, London, 2013.

    “Media Advocacy and Internet Access Policy.” SCMS, Boston, 2012.

    “Cut-up, Mixed-up, Mashed-up: Remix Video, Copyright, and Literal Intertextuality.” ICA, Boston, 2011.

    “Internet Access Policymaking and the Discursive Construction of Network Neutrality.” Cultural Studies Association conference, Chicago, 2011.

    “Left Behind Media” roundtable discussion. Flow, Austin, 2010.

    “On Internet Radio, Regulatory Policy, and Definitions of New Media.” SCMS, Los Angeles, 2010.

    “Music Fans and Copy Protection” roundtable discussion. Flow, Austin, 2008.

    Academic or Professional Associations

    Society for Cinema & Media Studies

    International Communication Association

    Other Professional or Scholarly Activity

    Chair, Public Policy Committee, Society for Cinema & Media Studies

    Co-Founding Editor of Antenna: Responses to Media and Culture

    Former Coordinating Editor, The Velvet Light Trap: A Critical Journal on Film, Television, and New Media

    Peer reviewer for journals and conferences, including International Journal of Communication, Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media and Culture, Journal of Information Policy, and International Communication Association

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